Wednesday, 18 December 2019

Lights on, Lights off, Lights on! Part 2.

Hello, Lovelies!

I am happy and relieved to report that the lights are still on!
We have been given a promise by the Powers That Be that there will be no rolling power outages until January 13!
I'm not even going to think about that right now. I mean, what a way to herald in a new year?

This means that I have been jotting down a strategy in my notebook, a way forward in the dark, so to speak.
Laptop fully charged up at all times. Check.
Solar Torch Lights fully charged. Check.
UPS fully charged. Check
Gas Bottles filled! Check
Phone battery charged. Check.
Candles and Tea Lights. Check.
Vodka to help me cope! I'M KIDDING! You all know my hardtack is Coffee!

If you can think of anything else I need to add to that list please let me know!
There are silver linings though. At least I don't have to charge up my Hooks or Yarn! 😁

I'm looking forward to Friday 20 December when most large companies close for the Christmas Holidays. Our normally crazy busy noisy road will quieten right down. What a relief! Now, just to find a way to get Mr Noisy Neighbour to leave town for a few weeks.

I'm also looking forward to more outdoorsy holiday time. Designing is quite an isolated loner type occupation which keeps me in my little workroom most daylight hours. That's why I tend to move things around in this space. My attempts at a change of scene, I think? Of course, when I am away from this workspace, studio, atelier, crochet-cave...I MISS IT TERRIBLY! Luckily Roxy insists on walks, and lots of them and when Mr HooksnTales is home there is no skipping those. My outdoorsy holiday project is TO.GET.OUT.MORE!

A short clip of another walk with Roxy...very windy though!

Mr HooksnTales and I have been chatting about spending some weekends away, but in our own neighbourhood. Short drives ( under half an hour ). We live in a very popular Tourist destination so there are lovely places to stay and things to see and do right on our doorstep.

A few weekends ago we spent two days and two nights at the AMAAAAAZINGLY comfy, beautiful Inn At Castle Hill in Kalk Bay. In fact, it was a happy mistake...or rather, a frowny experience turned upside down. I'd booked our weekend away at another Guesthouse only to arrive and find we'd been booked into the worst room! Also, they were totally unapologetic and I lost the full amount I'd paid in advance! Crikey, talk about an upset. I almost cried right there. They didn't have another room available either.  We tried a few other Guesthouses but everywhere was fully booked. As we left ( so disappointed! ) to drive back home we passed the Inn at Castle Hill. They had one room available and from there on everything was perfect.


THE ARTWORK ( this was my favourite )!





We'll definitely do this again.💗
All we did was walk, eat and sleep on repeat. It was lusciously relaxing so much so that I forgot to take more pics!

Vegan omelette ( made with Chickpea flour ) at The Courtyard Cafe!
So YUM I added a recipe  HERE! 
Definitely a MUST TRY.

Roxy spent the weekend with her nieces and nephew, Stella, Laya and Paul... and had a ball!

Back to reality!

I have managed to almost fulfil my own target of making six Mandalas to fit the 6 x 10" embroidery hoops I found when I was decluttering my workroom. I've completed five. It was more challenging than I thought it would be to design in a 10" radius! And in a set timeframe. I wanted to pack it in after #5 but I think I might squeeze #6 in before New Year? So much for doing nothing but eat, sleep and walk for my little Summer Hols!

So, tadaaa...#5, called MidSummer Solstice. Again, I dived into my little stash of Scheepjes Catona 10g minis, and again, I'm not sure the colours I chose measured up to what I saw in my mind's eye. But Noelene loved them! Although my personal favourites are these yummy shades.

MidSummer Solstice is also our new GIVEAWAY! This time I would love to hear about your New Years resolutions for 2020! I'm a great believer in Resolutions. Lots of people make them and then quickly break them but I like to stubbornly stick to mine. In many ways, it does help me to keep on track throughout the year. How about you? As always to participate in this GIVEAWAY,  leave your comment and Ravelry name in the comments section below and I will choose 5 winners! 😊

And that's it from me for now!
I will make one more Blog Post for 2019, just to wrap things up, and then...whooohooo, we'll be entering the Roaring Twenties!

See you in Crochetland!
💗 Jen


  1. i just turned 60 a week ago and made the decision to relocate (currently living in pretoria) back to my hometown (Port Elizabeth) ~ so my new years resolution for 2020 is to start a new clutter-free home & life in my "new" safe haven... and to make new friends with whom i can sit and crochet or just go to the beach by myself and sit and crochet there... and obviously to finish all of my WIP's as i now have the time to sit and crochet 24/7/365.... ravelry id hlm1312 ~ i wish you all the best for 2020 and hope to see many more beautiful designs from your hook ~ Merry Christmas x

    1. Those resolutions sound brilliant! I wish you all the very, very best of all good things for your "new life". I believe if you can picture it then it's all going to work out exactly as planned or better!! Whoohoooo, here's to a fabulous 2020 and beyond! xx

  2. Hi Jen! I'm so glad your weekend away turned out great! Your new mandala is lovely, I can see why Noelene likes your colors lol. I always make New Year's Resolutions, some I manage to keep and others are on the list every single year so I can keep trying. The one that is at the top of my list every year and I think will be for the rest of my life is to be a better mother. I have two boys, a 10 year old and an 11 year old and I always feel like I should spend more time with them, be more patient with them, be a better example for them. I try but I always come up short in my eyes, although I doubt I'm the only mother that feels like this! Anyway, I will keep trying in 2020...wish me luck!! (Ravelry id: PaulinaSmith)

    1. Oh, Paulina believe me just that you feel "guilty" already says so much about what a great Mom you are. And your kids know it too! After raising three boys to adulthood I STILL wake up in the middle of the night with questions and guilt and then I ask my Boys about it and they think I'm crazy and tell me how much they love me. It's all good. Lots of hugs, kisses, compliments, praise and laughter covers everything and fills in the gaps, I found. Wishing you a truly lovely festive season. xox

  3. Hi, just lvd to read all,i have two girls 7 and 9, good luck to everyone for 2020
    Ravelry id : Nidasif

    1. Good Luck and Very Happy Holidays to you and your Family, Nidasif! xox

  4. I'm not sure what's more lovely, Roxy or the MidSummer Solstice. And good luck on #6! In 2020 my hope is to finish three different blanket CALs. I already have a head start which I will certainly need!
    I am Amiamitchi on Ravelry.

    1. Thank you so much for your kind words. I'll be certain to let Roxy know. She loves compliments! :D All the best with your 2020 resolutions. Mine run a long similar lines. Cheers! :D xx

  5. I never make resolutions, perhaps I should start now hmmmm. I loved the pics of the guesthouse it looks like a stunning spot! Give your Roxy a love from us, gorgeous woof! A happy and blessed Christmas to you and your family Jen! Lots of love xxx
    Azelee on Ravelry

    1. Thank you, Charmaine and the same to you and your Fam! I gave Roxy a hug from you and now she thinks it's walkies and my day just went to pot. :D The Guesthouse was such a pleasant surprise and I absolutely loved our stay there. It's only 20minutes down the road! Will definitely go back. xox

  6. Hej Jen , I wish you first at all a nice Christmas & a happy New Year that comes <3 I lost my beloved MumInLove as I called her 4 days ago and my Resolution for the Years to come is to take care of her Boys ( my Farmer & his 2 Sons ) as good as I can.... I did before but I see Time is running and Tomorrow is Yesterday if you do not watch out with the Heart <3 We had a good Time together and Im thankfully for the Love we shared , I know Time is precious and to live with the Heart & Eyes open . I wish you the best and I am thankfully too for all the Lovely things you do and share . xox DartsNorge @ ravelry

    1. Oh I am so sad tou hear you lost your beloved Mum in Love what a lovely thing to call your Mum in Law. I loved my Mum in Law too and I miss her. When you have an open heart there is always enough for everyone. I wish you and your beloveds an especially blessed Christmas Season and all the very best of all good things for you all in 2020. Please keep in touch! xox

    2. oh ty so very much for your warming Words Jen I wish you also the Best and I see you are a HeartPerson in every Thing you do , thats so beautiful and you are .... sending Love your Way and continue to give so muuch Joy to everyone , you are speciall to all your followers , ty , with regards Dartsi xox

  7. I dont make them [resolutions] either,luckily at 74 I am happy with me and my life, now I do as I please and enjoy life and crochet of course your patterns always inspire me, so many to choose from I want to do them all,happy holidays to you and yours. my raveley name chtien

    1. Doing what you please and enjoying life sounds like a brilliant resolution to me, Christine! It's a lot harder than it sounds. I need to take your example. Happy Holidays to you and yours! Hugs! xx

  8. My reaolution is:
    Ke sera sera
    Whatever will be, will be.
    Because mind de-cluttering and relaxation is much needed.
    Btw, I will try to fit in karoo and Amanzi in between. ☺️
    salehawaseem @ravelry.

    1. I'm with you on the decluttering of the mind and relaxation with a capital R, Saleha! xx

  9. I really enjoyed this blog post. Hopefully the powers that be will be true to their word and the power will stay on! The inn was beautiful and so is your new mandala. My resolution is always to lose weight and most years I am not good at keeping it, but over the last year I've lost 120 pounds. My resolution this year will be to lose the last 30 and commit to being more physically fit. Merry Christmas to you and your family Jen.

    1. Wow, Lena congratulations on the weight loss. That takes commitment and discipline I'm sure! Here's to losing the last 30! Merry Christmas to you and yours and may 2020 bring all good things your way. xox

  10. My resolution is to work through my huge yarn stash and buy no yarn, so I've made a list of what I want to crochet and am excited to work through it. I wish you all the best in keeping to your resolutions!
    Ravelry: kjprice


    1. Thanks, Kris! I've still to officially make that list. Every year I commit to a charity. To losing a stubborn 5kg! To working through my stash and not buying more yarn ( and then I laughed, and laughed! ). Wishing you a fabulous Festive Season and I hope 2020 brings many yarn busting patterns your way. xx

  11. Hi Jan , I make resolutions each year too,but have yet to find a way of sticking to them😏. This year is pretty much the same as last,finish my crochet blanket,made from your fabulous Birkenhead block, but also make time for new craft projects. Beading is my latest crush❤
    Ravelry name Dette-ROC.
    Currently also making one of your beautiful hoops as a Christmas present,but would love to make this one for myself.

    1. Hi Dette! Oh I'm with you on that as well as 1000's of fellow yarnies...FINISH those WIPS'S! Lol! I wish you a very Merry Christmas! xox

  12. I don't normally make New Year's resolutions. The end of year/beginning of year is always such a busy time, I suppose I am just happy to have survived it all. I do have numerous crochet projects queued and have high hopes of spending many stress free hours working through them (with yarn already in the stash - but we shall see how that goes :-) ) Wishing you a blessed New Year, jaycee1422

    1. Julie, that is definitely top of my list too; gratitude for having survived another year! Good grief, and it's been a doozy hasn't it, on all fronts. I hope 2020 provides you with many stress free hours of happy crocheting. We don't ask for much to be happy, right? xox

  13. My resolution is to FINALLY take the time to learn Tunisian crochet, it has been on my list for a while. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you! I love your designs. Ravelry name:pattyks44

    1. Thank you, Patty and a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you too! :-) xx

  14. Deliadiertjie (for Ravelry) your design is once again gorgeous ��������

  15. At the beginning of each new year I reflect on mistakes I've made, think of how I can change and move forward.

    1. I do the same but it can become a downward spiral of negative thoughts sometimes. Be kind to yourself first, unless you're a serial killer in which case change for the better might be a good thing. Don't be too hard on yourself. I hope you enjoy the festive season and I wish all good things for you in 2020 :D xox

  16. Hi Jen, I'm glad you're also prepared in case of outages! I have one of those head-light bands and an illuminated hook in my basket.
    I usually don't make resolutions but as I am approaching my 60th, i have decided to make the resolution to purge the household clutter and get a grip on my unhealthy cravings. This is going to demand will power, which is not one of my strengths. I wish you and yours a very Blessed Christmas and may the New Year be one filled with everything beautiful!
    Ravelry ID SandyLubbe

    1. Hi Sandy, we could be twins! :D I just bought one of those headlight thingys too and now I look like a lady miner! :D And ditto on the clutter ( I have been decluttering since Dec 1 ) and omg, those unhealthy cravings! Why are Everything But The Kitchen Sink cookies from Woolies so addictive!? Merry Christmas! :D xx

  17. I resolve to have fewer reservations. I need to really attack my stash and just go for it! Be brutal, be merciless, go no-holds...but only in my head. My "thinker" keeps messing up my cro-jo as of late and it needs to relaaaaxxx... My ravelry name is Tillypunkin. Very Happy Holidays to you and your family, Jen!

    1. Very Happy Holidays to you, Tillypunkin! I hope you stick to your resolutions because I'm sure many exciting things will come of it. You got this! :D xox

  18. I'm just finishing botanica and can't wait to start this!!

    Ravelry ID: franacapan

    Good luck everyone!!

  19. Love the blog post.What a fabulous getaway. So nice to see the wonderful walking area for Roxy. A great place to let your thoughts run free. Since my DH passed one year ago on 12/20, I have cancelled Christmas this year.My intent is to crochet Christmas all year round next year in hopes of bringing back that Christmas joy. Your beautiful patterns and color scheme will be awesome inspiration. Thank you for all you do. Wishing you a very happy holiday season and a blessed new year.

    1. I think that's a wonderful idea, Donna! I've also had to put in some resolute work to bring back some Festive Season Joy into my life. I'm not sure if you listen to Podcasts but Crafternoon Treats and Nordic Stitches Vlogmass's have helped so much to put me in better spirits. Thank you as always for your kind words! I hope your Christmass is blessed with peace. xx

  20. My new years resolution will be to get all my yarn put away lol
    My ravelry is MissKrisLoves

    1. I'm right behind you on that one, Kris! Just do it! :D xx

  21. First of all thank you for your generosity and big heart. I do make resolutions, out of which some of them I do make but most of them get added on to the wish list of mine which is getting bigger and bigger every minute of the day. I want to finish the stash I have and not buy more yarn, but when I start a new project I don't have the certain shade of particular colour in my stash. But this is all love. And no stash is ever big. As I have young kids u think coming year they would grow a little biga little bit mature and I'll cherish some more valuable time with this hobby of mine. Wishing lots of love and happiness. Thank you once again.
    My ravelry I'd is aminausmankhan

    1. Oh, Amina, I have the same Wishlist too! :D Thank you so much for your kind words as always. When my boys were younger I taught them to sew. knit and crochet. That helped gain me a few extra hours to do my own crafts! Sneaky, but it worked, sometimes! Wishing you lots of love and happiness too. xox

  22. hello and thankyou..
    just want to finish some pending projects and make a big thorough for myself in 2020 Nd yeah i'll buy a lot of colourful yarn for my crochet corner...
    have a happy vacation��
    .my ravelry is Sohail .

  23. Lol love your comments about your neighbor. We have one too - he must be a part time carpenter, always pounding on something!!! Ugh.
    I'm with you on your resolution - I need to get moving more. I sit working with your marvelous patterns, enjoying every moment to the fullest and totally forget to walk a bit. We have a cat you see, no dog to make us go outside. And it's freezing here - only in 20's (F). We need to come over for a vacation to the Inn you stayed at. Gorgeous!

  24. P.S. my ravelry

  25. My resolution is just to be more present and mindful of time, hoping to stop feeling like the years are slipping away so fast! My Rav username is sarahgough

  26. I’m HOPELESS at resolutions! But a few years ago I resolved to try to be a better, kinder person, and so far, I think I’m doing it! Ravelry name is Bagginslover

  27. Hello my dear friend Jen. Wishing you and the family, and your furry babies Happy Holiday's. Merry Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Having our children here for the holiday's is great, and we are enjoying every minute with our first grandchild, his 6 months old. My resolution this year is trying with God's & doctors help to get better with my rhuematic arthritis. Made Melomakarona & Kourambiedes cookies, do you remember what they taste? Many hug's xxx Sofie. ( Ravelry name wisdom61 )

  28. Stop finding new patterns/designs to make and do the things I already have waiting to do...! Haha who am I kidding LOL Ravelry name Moondaemoness

  29. Thank you, Jen , for sharing your lovely trip with us. As every year, I resolve to try make healthier lifestyle choices, and have been progressively successful. I also resolve to actually finish all my crochet projects , as in "finish 1 for each new one I start"....wish me luck LOL! Ravelry name is kotenzemom. Wishing you and yours a happy and healthy 2020!

  30. I always have good intentions to keep my resolutions... I've found the ones that stick are small lifestyle changes when I don't try to go overboard with my expectations. I try to make myself a little better at something each year. I don't always start on January 1st, but as the need arises. That way I'm able to stick with them. Have a wonderful holiday season! My ravelry name is Bubbalips.

  31. Hi Jen, love the colours in your summer solstice. I am not into resolution. But I do try to be better, make changes where needed, try to learn something as often as possible. I believe that you can learn something from everyone around you. So yes, ready for another day. My ravelry Id is eshu14

  32. my NY resolution is to always be a better person than the year before from lifes lessons i have learned, be kind, be grateful, improve in any way which benefits myself, my community and my family & friends. I always try to learn a new skill, this year it will be in my knitting to learn brioche and more stranded colorwork methods. In my crochet i plan to make a dozen snowflake ornaments for 6 friends. ravelry i am karenpowellcanada. beautiful design.

  33. Hi Jen,
    My resolution for the new decade is to give as much help and support to fellow crocheters both online and in my community.

  34. I resolve to delight in my beautiful grandchildren with endless hugs and kisses, and to crochet forever. (My amazing little grandson loves to see my colors, touch my stitches, and tell me "it's beautiful.")
    Pettigru Hooker on Ravelry

  35. My New Year resolution is to create better, healthier habits. It's to keep my promise to myself of loving myself and getting healthy.
    My ravelry name is Winter Lilly

  36. Hello!
    I loved all the pictures and the video with Roxy...I need a Roxy....then I could do more walkies! Then again, I could always borrow a neighbour's dog.
    For my New Year Resolution(s)
    1. Go through totes in the basement, one at a time and actually declutter down there!
    2. I also need to declutter my living room and dining room areas....I may actually even go through the movies I own and donate them. No books will be hurt during this decluttering....they will remain with me! :-)
    3. I also resolve to be better to me! I will not feel guilty for taking "me time!"
    I absolutely love your designs!

    1. Oops.....forgot my Ravelry name. It is imjn

  37. I'm still head over heels in love with your gorgeous colourway Jen, but I'd love to see #6 done in your favourite shades......... they're also beautiful.
    My New Year's resolution is to finish my Hooks'nTales projects that are languishing in the corner of my Crochart room and to make a crocheted Faerie.
    Wishing you all a very happy and productive 2020 Xx

  38. Thank you for sharing your wonderful outings, the pictures are all amazing. 2019 has been a very hard year, discovering a friend was actually a narcissist that we had to break ties with, many family members passing away and my oldest school friend contracting a serious illness. All sounds terribly depressing but there were some ups too - my daughter started her own indie dye business and that keeps me busy as I do the admin, as I do for her other business that is clay related creating custom designs. So after all this, I want to start the new decade with happier and positive plans to work through my stash of wool and mohair. Having Stage IV melanoma for the past 8 years (I was given 6 months to live) has been hard for my family and I want to make something for all of them during the year, learn new techniques - complicated brioche, and most of all I want to make another Jen design, and Golden Tea Extension looks just perfect to have another journey of crocheting & hearing your stories while I work. Thank you so much for sharing your talent with us Jen, you are inspiring xxx

  39. Your getaway looks fabulous
    Wwe should do these things more often
    My hope for new decade is to be more mindful and present a in the now, less worry on things I can’t control

    1. Those are my hopes too for 2020! Happy new mindful 2020! :D xox

  40. I have two new year's resolutions... One crochet related one: I really will *try* to work in my ends as I go!! :-) it will make a huge difference to how I work so I really will try!!
    And the second: resolution: we are going to rescue a retired racing greyhound in January and I really need to fix the fence!! This will be our first dog as a family and we're all very excited... The kids (8 and 12) have been reading up on all the needs and care of greyhounds and we've bought a new sofa to accommodate the addition to our family... I believe they can be quite lazy snoozy dogs, so should fit in well with our lifestyle!!! :-) I hope that all at chez Hooks n Tails have a very merry Christmas and a happy and comfortable New Year!! Cheers,
    Rowan. (Aviatrixuk)

    1. Hahaha...those pesky ends!! Aw, thank you SO MUCH for committing to a rescue! Happy 2020 to you and all your loved ones too! xox

  41. Hi Jen, I enjoyed your pic so much and of course the doggies. I love dogs and 3 myself, Emily, Milly and Papi. I really don't make NY resolutions. My deal is when I wake up in the morning, have my coffee and then decide what I will do today lol. I know I don't qualify but just wanted to post anyway and I will be more that happy to pay for this lovely pattern. I turned 79 in october but no one can tell as I am alway 30.

    1. Thank you so much for your comment! As they say, age is just a number and I see getting older as a blessing and a privilege. :D Happy 2020! xxx

  42. My resolution is to think kind thoughts about the people whom I like least, as I crochet, because I'm training myself to cast aside my critical nature and be kinder. I find I can do this best when I'm crocheting because it puts me in a peaceful state (except those moments when I find myself sighing, "Why, Jen, why are you doing this to me???" 🤔 esmerelda33

    1. That is such an excellent New Year Resolution, Esmerelda!! I'm going to add it to my list! <3 xx

  43. Hello, I purchased a pattern from revelry and the you tube links dont work, is there a place where i can watch videos for the Victoria throw….. please and thank you
