Friday, 5 April 2019

Skandi Spring!

Hello, Lovelies, from a gorgeous Autumn morning here in Cape Town, South Africa!


I've called our Friday Colour Mood, Skandi Spring, seeing as in my mind I imagine Scandinavian countries as violety-blue-ice wonderlands, even in Spring. I'm wrong, right? If you're from a Scandinavian country like Finland, Norway or Sweden I would love to hear what your Spring looks like from where you stand. Send me a pic HERE! and I will be sure to post them up in next Friday's blog post.
By the way, I am extraordinarily jealous of all of you who live in cooler climates. I have no idea why my ancestors decided to brave a long and very dangerous boat journey all the way to the bottom tip of Africa!? I guess they were ambitious, poor or desperate for loads of sunshine and heat?

The Yarn I'm showcasing today is the Scheepjes Linen Soft. I have this lovely yarn in my stash and I am saving it for a special project. It's beautiful!

My fingers are absolutely itching to get started on another crochet project and I am rushing to finish off the extension for High Tea! There have been so many interruptions since the beginning of the year... honestly what is going on? It seems everyone is running a race against time and deadlines! This is such a cliche but's already April! Most days as I feel panic rising because I can hear another deadline whooooooshing past I just take a deep breath and whisper my daily mantra " all will be done".

Just a reminder before I forget, our competition is still running... Describe Your Perfect Cabin Romance... so do continue sending us ( Noelene and Sandra on the Group ) your stories! You can also click on the highlighted bit and it will take you to the blog post where you can add your story to the comments section. We will announce the Winners as soon as the High Tea Extension is released!

This, by the way, is a fascinating video on how Linen is made! I must be living under a rock because I never knew Linen was made from Flaxseeds ( I eat them every day! ).

ALFIE UPDATE: Alfie's health has improved so much since the Vet discovered the exact bacteria living in his nose. His new medication is working and he's no longer " back-sneezing " or snoring! We really hit the jackpot with this boy...he even grows his own tennis balls from the top of his head! 😉

A heads-up if you love Crochet books as much as I do... this one is definitely one to add to your collection. Crochet Masterclass features eighteen amazing designers who share their speciality crochet techniques like Overlay, Tunisian and Double-Ended crochet! Whether I will ever get the chance to actually get stuck into this book is another thing altogether! But they do all look so pretty and inspiring on the shelf! 😊

One last thing... a small thing really but it gives me ENORMOUS pleasure. I bought another rose.

On that floral note allow me to wish you a very lovely weekend, wherever you are in Crochetland.

Take Care
💗 Jen

Ps: Roxy is a little put out by Alfie, so she asked me to post a pic of her too! She is such a little poser.

PPS: This week's FREE pattern is Grace Fearons "Barbara" doily pattern.
I think it's exquisite! To enter, just leave a comment with your Ravelry Name. I will select 3 "Winners" randomly! GOOD LUCK! 💗

Designer: Grace Fearon


  1. I'm so happy to hear that Alfie's settled in so well.Hes a very lucky boy to have joined the loving Hooks'nTales family. I love your beautiful new rose and look forward to seeing it bloom for years to come ������ Thanks for another entertaining journey into your wonderful world Xx ��

    1. Thanks so much for popping in, Noelene! Hope you're having a fabulous weekend! :D xox

  2. The doily is beautiful, would love to have that pattern.. My Ravelry name is JessicaSK

    1. Thanks for participating, Jessica! :-) xx

  3. tillyteed@live.ca7 April 2019 at 04:15

    Gace Fearon's designs are lovely! My ravelry name is Tillypunkin.

    1. I LOVE her designs too, Tilly! I've yet to make one though. :-) xxx

  4. Awwww. He's looking so happy! I can image Roxy, her guiding task is over and now that fluffy dog is taking over attention. And that Scheepjes yarn is having my attention ;>p

    1. He's such a happy and sweet boy, Tineke! I think Augusta has fallen in love with him. She wants to be wherever he is! :D xx

  5. I never saw a rose like that! What an amazing color. It looks like made of gold!
    Ravelry: nblason

    1. Adding you to the Giveaway list! :D xx

  6. What a beautiful rose!
    Ravelry name: lenaknits

    1. Thanks, Lena! Happy mellow yellow. xx

  7. Lovely Scheepjes colours! I look forward to seeing the pattern using those beauties! My Ravelry name is Cackleberry1.

  8. Loving all the pictures. Your dogs are gorgeous, as is the rose, the book, the doily...everything!!! My ravelry name is kimboamineko

  9. ☺️Lovely!! I would just transform this doily into a rug (mat), made of thick cotton thread yarn, and put it aside my bed! Step onto it every morning 😊
    MinnekeCrochet (Ravelry)

    1. That's such a great idea! :-) xx Thanks for entering our Giveaway!

  10. Hi Jen. I love Grace Fearon's patterns. My Ravelry name is Mariedereuck
    Thank you for this great offer! Have a good day!

    1. Hi Marie, I love her patterns too. Thanks for entering. Good luck! :-) xx

  11. The daily is beautiful! Love your pictures and stories. Your patterns are gorgeous! I admire your creativity.
    Ravelry name is Bluebird2320

    1. Thank you so much for popping by, Bluebird and for your kind words, much appreciated! :-) xox

  12. Beautiful doily pattern with so much texture!! Ravelry name: betsievdkaap

    1. I love it too, Betsie and hope to get some time to make it! :-) xx

  13. I am crocheting doilies at the moment. I am going to centre them in the middle of a damask tablecloth and cut the backing damask away from the doily. This pattern would look beautiful in the tablecloth. Ravelry name : Jennyfive

    1. That sounds like an impressive project, Jenny! Would love to see it when you're finished? xx

  14. I love how Grace has drawn attention to her edging, not used it only to 'contain' the centrepiece, but to be a celebratory ring of bejewelled tiaras.
    So pretty. africandebs is my aka

    1. Exactly, Debra, she's certainly a master crocheter! I'm a huge fan. :-) xx

  15. Sorry for being so slow on the uptake Jen!!!

    MY CABIN ROMANCE - TRUE STORY: My cabin romance would be still living in our 3.5 x 7m cabin on top of the Baviaanskloof Mountains in the Eastern Cape, South Africa. This was our view and my hubby and I and our 4 fur babies lived there off-the-grid for almost a full year where we didn't see a living soul for 60 days or or more at a time...All I would change is to have enough water to survive (we left because of the drought and lost everything), enough water for a REAL Swedish sauna and bath-house...and I wish I had found my passion for crochet back then...and of course the ability to conjure up any yarn I desire...

    Thanks for the entertaining post Jen...and congratulations on your roses, they can be really tricky in some Cape Town gardens!!!

    1. Thanks for painting such a lovely picture! Sounds divine! :-) xxx

  16. I've been wanting to try one of her patterns for so long.... rav name is AmytheGR8

    1. Me too,Amy! I wish I could find the time! xx

  17. Oki Anugerah Palupi8 April 2019 at 00:41

    Wow Grace Fearon is one of my favorite designers. I haven't made anything from Grace's design but I've spent so much time admiring her work. They're just mind-blowing. Thank you Jen for the giveaway. My ravelry account is OkiDokey.

    1. Hi Oki, I love her designs too! Wish I also had some free time to make them. :D xx

  18. Love the rose!!! Love all your patterns and would love to win the gracie pattern!!

    quickwitkat is my ravelry account

  19. Love Grace's beautiful designs! This would be my first pattern.

    Ravelry = PettigruHooker

  20. I loved that rose. I love all your patterns. I do hope to win. I would really love to thank you in advance for your generosity and big heart.
    My ravelry name is aminausmankhan

    1. Hello Amina, thank you for your kind words! I'll be putting all the entries into a hat and making an old-fashioned draw and I do hope your name pops up but don't be discouraged if not. I will be doing a Giveaway every Friday. :-) xx
