Thursday 15 December 2016

Peace at Heart

Hello, Lovelies! Just to let you know that this pattern is being completely revised and will be re-released in my Ravelry Store in 2019!

It has everything in a square that I love! With the Summer months creeping in I find my mood lifting to match the vibrant sunshiney colours outside. Also, I wanted to create a Heart design to reflect the amazing year it’s been for me in Crochetland and the lovely response I’ve had to my patterns! All this with a large cherry on my (crocheted ) cake when Nadia Fuad ( who I’m a huge fan of ) from YARNutopia asked if she could use one of my patterns in her 365 Granny Squares Youtube tutorials! Um, yaaaaaas, and thank you very much! What an honour and SO EXCITING!!!! My patterns have also appeared on Knit and Crochet dot com ( YAY! ). It’s a weird feeling, in a good way, to see one’s patterns on another website!

Although I have spent my entire life so far doing artsy stuff, my crochet work is the creative outlet that has given me 100% satisfaction. I used to cook for people when I had a Vegan eatery some years back and I thought THAT was my thing. But over time I found it highly unsatisfying that the hours put into preparing lovely looking ( and tasting ) food, your “ work” would disappear into someone’s tummy within minutes! With Crochet or any creative handwork, you know it’s going to last more than a few minutes! 

So far, I am thrilled to report, hundreds of yarny people have downloaded my patterns! THANK YOU SO MUCH! This means I had better get my bottom into gear and start upping my crochet-pattern-writing-skills! I’ve got software that draws out crochet charts and it’s my New Years wish to myself that I will finally buckle down and master this. Argh, it’s so complicated. But I guess everything is until you take the time to work through it, right?

So, on to this pattern which I am dedicating in thanks to all of you who have taken an interest in my work. THANK YOU! Here’s wishing you All … the love you deserve, the happiness that is your right, the health and prosperity you desire. May the crochet fairies always be in your neck of the woods!

Happy holidays, with lots of contented hooky-time.
Much love, take care and be of good cheer!


  1. I think you are so talented and a splendid imagination to be able
    to crochet such beautiful designs. I think everyone on You Tube
    should feel honored to be able to show your designs to the world.
    Keep on going girl making the world a more colorful world to explore
    in our "Crochet World"

  2. Thank you so much! :D You've just made my day, no... MY WEEK! :D xxx

  3. Thank you so much for the beautiful patterns.

    1. Thank you, Laura. :) My small contribition towards keeping handmade alive in our oftentimes too commercialised world. xx

  4. I love your patterns!!! Some of them, in my opinion are even better than a lot of the Mandala's. I just found your site today. I am totally in love with it. Your achievements are so grand. I love the way that you crochet the little hearts to show the colours that are used. It is much easier to pick out the yarn that way. Everything about your patterns make your projects go smoother. I would say...keep up the good work, BUT your work is beyond good. Thank you for sharing your wonderful talent. God Bless and keep safe.

  5. Dear Zaneta,thank you very much for your kind words! Thank you for the encourgement which is much appreciated. :-) xox

  6. YOU are so correct Jen ..we have 4 grown children and 10 grands 2 great grands and havent seen them since 2012ish .. makes us so sad but all evens out in the end right. BIG BIG HUGS to hopefully a new friend from South Africa ... Arizona USA here.. 🎉

  7. I can't find the pattern,am I missing the link?

    Davette B.
