Tuesday, 26 January 2016

Belated Happy New Year!

Hello, and HAPPY NEW YEAR! I can't believe it's already almost the very end of January. I've had the best of intentions to visit my blog, and well, blog...to herald in the new year but, and I think almost everyone can relate, it's been one HELLUVA January!! What with beloved musical legends like Lemmy Kilmister, David Bowie, Ravi Shankar, Glenn Frey et al all leaving for the big stadium in the sky? Grieving and much gnashing of teeth as been in order. I think we can all relate to the loss of musicians who've been there for us, so to speak, through the uncomfortable physical and emotional convolutions of adolescence and young adulthood. Oh, the tears and singalongs! I clearly remember being absolutely shattered when Marc Bolan died in a car accident. I used to imagine that I'd wake up one morning and his entire clothing collection would be in my wardrobe. Who else danced in their bedroom to "metal guru is it you?" Thankfully, the music is still alive and well and living in our record collections, as well as on CD's and Hard Drives! It's why I value artists (all sorts!) immeasurably. They all bestow on us an irreplaceable legacy of infinite beauty, and leave with nothing. I can't think of an act more selfless than to create. Although, paradoxically, artists ( all sorts!) are often viewed as selfish narcissists by those who don't understand the compulsion to create. Oh, look at me, going on , and on!

I have had quite a few visitors to my Blog and I'm sure you three ( hee, hee ) have noticed that I'm often fiddling about with it's "design". I've always had a problem when there's too much choice and seriously, doesn't Blogger just make it so darn easy to keep tinkering? I cannot settle on one theme, it's impossible! This time I've, um, settled on a white theme. The latest issue of Ideas Magazine features an absolutely lovely home done out in mainly white/vintage, and then also, we were at our off-grid cottage in Riebeek-West and a shop in the valley is called Vintage White! A sign , right? Also, it's been blimmin hot with temperatures soaring into the 40's, making a cooler theme more appropriate ( until next when it rains ).

Thankfully last summer we installed a porta-pool at our off-grid cottage, so in-between picking Almonds and various on-going DIY to our little abode, frequent pool-dips was the order of the day. Our Almond trees ( all six ) seem to survive quite well without regular watering. We're only there every other week-end. Same goes for the single Peach tree which seems to drop it's fruit, always, in the two weeks we're not there. Mind you, I'm not bothered. There is ample wildlife, especially bird life who benefit from the fallen fruit.

Always, in-between all the tasks I find time for a bit of hooky. Although it's not nearly as comfortable as it is in winter. I get sweaty palms and unless it's a small project the weight and warmth of a blanket in progress, over your knees is...unbearable! At home, in Cape Town, I usually work at a table in my teeny studio, with either a fan blowing into my face, or the window wide open letting in a cool breeze. Anything else is just impossible. Roll on Winter begs this unapologetic Pluviophile!

I have made some progress with both blankets, albeit slow. It doesn't help that I keep popping off smaller projects, just to break up the slog of blanket making. Happy Berry Crochet has a sweet Heart Tutorial, so I had to make it, even though I already know how to crochet various heart patterns. Avoidance tactics? Much! :-)

All in all my days are chugging along rather nicely. In spite of all the chaos and turmoil on our blue-green planet, and also within my own small sphere. I keep in mind that even in the worst of times those who are compelled to create, and who especially craft beauty of word, or canvas, thread, stone, music or any other form, will always continue to do so, however and wherever they are. They are the diamonds which shine forth when the light of our world flickers dimly.

Much love, as always and may all your wishes , hopes and dreams come true this year!

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