Thursday, 3 October 2019

Golden Tea Block Extension!

Hello, Lovelies, I come to you from the future! 
Happy Friday  ( it's Friday 4 October, here in Cape Town, South Africa ). 😊

So today is the release of Part 1-Golden Tea block Extension HERE! I have to tell you that this was indeed crafty labour ( of love, for sure ). For those of you with crafty brains in that you literally eat, drink and sleep crafty ideas you'll know how the arty-crafty Muses mess with your mind, right? They don't care that it ( the idea ) is going to be more hard work than you're up for. They don't negotiate when you say but I think I'd rather do this, or that ( which is usually an easier route ).

At one point I had nothing. I just stared blankly at the Golden Tea Block and had absolutely nothing to add other than the wacky idea the Muses kept whispering into my ear about. It was truly maddening! I mean little squares? 24 of them? Sewn together? Then sewn onto the Block? Aikona, as we say here in South Africa which is a Zulu word for No! Not just any old No but rather an emphatic NO WAY! And if you extend the Aikona into Aikoooooooona and shake your head while doing it, no one is going to challenge you. That's a promise! Yet here we are looking at 24 neat little squares, sewn together, then sewn on to the Block. Those Muses do NOT back down. πŸ˜„

We've had dreadful weather in that it's been misty or cloudy for weeks on end now, here is Sunny Cape Town ( haha, NOT! ). Also, my camera and pretty much any pointy-clicky device I've tried has had a major freak out over the Claret and Empire that seem to be in competition! Let me assure you though, the colours together are gloriously lush and vibrant and I am well pleased with how Part 1 turned out after all! Literally, my arty-crafty block was removed by making little blocks because now, in my mind's eye, I can clearly see exactly how the rest of the Extension is going work out.

I'll be skipping the Colour Mood Board for today seeing as we've had quite a few contributions over on the Group HERE, so do head on over if you're looking for some gorgeous colour inspiration.

For those of you who entered our Friday Giveaway two weeks back: three Winners will find their fabulous free pattern on Ravelry! Congratulations!

This Friday our GIVEAWAY is the AMAAAAZING Elemental Air Dragon designed by Megan Lapp HERE. I think I should enter MYSELF in this Giveaway! As always all you need to do is leave a comment with your Ravelry name to stand a chance of winning this adorable little Dragon.

And so yarny Friends, that's a wrap ( heehee ).
Wishing you all a lovely, peaceful and creative weekend in Crochetland.


  1. Beautiful! Never done Amigurumi!NinaMayer on Ravelry ;)

  2. Hallo Dear Jen, from a brazilian living in The Netherlands πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’šπŸ’›
    Your colours on the Golden Tea Blocks give me goosebumps...!πŸ˜³πŸ˜€☺️πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

    1. Oh thank you for that! :D Happy weekend! xx

  3. You did this on purpose eh. I've a gorgeous white Persian Tiles waiting to be assembled for months now, the baby for which I made it is 3 months now. And I love my golden tea blocks so darn. I've to do it.

    1. Hahaha...Tineke! The crochet Muses made me do it! Believe me when I say I really did not want to commit to all those ends and sewing but once I started, and got into the rythym of making the squares, it all became quite enjoyable...even the sewing and attaching parts! :D JUST DO IT! :D xxx

  4. The extension looks great. I haven't started golden tea, but is tempting...
    My ravelry name is lenaknits.
    Thank you

    1. Hi Lena, the block is a breeze and works up really quickly! I decided to make the Extension just a tad more add some spice to the experience. :D Happy weekend! xx

  5. Vickyanne:Your 24 squares are just "Awesome", I can't wait to see what is beyond the squares.

  6. What a absolutely amazing piece of art... I don’t think I could do it, but am willing to try! Doco5256 on Rav. Thanks for the opportunity😍πŸ₯°

    1. Yes, it does look challenging but one stitch at a time right? :D xx

  7. Loving the tea extensions... :-) my ravelry name is aviatrixuk my daughter loves dragons!!

    1. Thanks, Rowan! Me too, I'm mad about Dragons! I hope your number pops up in the draw! :-) xx

  8. You are such a talented designer, thank you for such a gorgeous project!

    1. Wow, thank you so much! You made my day, Nana! :D xx

  9. Thanks Jen for your wonderful insights into the trials and tribulations of being a designer.It makes me feel very happy to just be a follower.Thanks for the lovely pattern,it was a fantastic surprise indeed.Ive just taken a look at the Gorgeous Elemental Air Dragon and I think I definitely need to add it to the ever growing list of amazing patterns I want to crochet I'm going to have to live forever.

    1. Us both, Noelene! If I lived another 100 years it still would never be enough time to CROCHET.ALL.THE.PRETTY.THINGS! :D If reincarnation is real I'd obviously want to come back as a Crocheter and carry on where I left off! :D

  10. Hi Jen! Glad to see your back answering comments. A dozen or so of us are awaiting a response at
    Hope to hear soon! Thanks...

    1. Hi Monika! Ooops sorry...unfortunately I don't get notified about previous comments on previous posts but next year is the year for revisiting the "retired" patterns. I'll be updating the patterns and adding full video tutorials to them as well. Watch this space. Also, if you haven't already. then please do join our pattern workshop group ( the link is in the post above ) can ask us anything there and we'll answer immediately. Happy weekend! xx
