Wednesday, 4 May 2016

Crochet, crochet... and more crochet!

Oh, I just love long weekends! I know, sounds obvious, right? But while most people use their "off" time to catch up on Z's, or get out and about all social like, all I see is unadulterated crochet time! Dang the housework, and cooking meals. It's all dishes piled in the sink until noon, and instant meals from Woolies! Nothing and no-one gets in between me and my wip! Except maybe a delicious cup of coffee at our local bakery. My husband knows exactly how to lure me outside. And the weather was totally glorious! All scudding clouds, random showers, blustery winds and a rainbow or three. While in the Summer I seem to struggle through crochet-land, wading in what feels like hot mud! The cooler months see me emerging from this hot and sweaty sludge, much like a butterfly taking wing. Oh, there I go again, waxing lyrical. Hahahaa!

I've been following the Elle Yarn CAL and you know how it goes when you've completed a crochet challenge of sorts? Well, you just want another one, right? Squares # 3, done and dusted! Although, I did tweak a few little bits to suit myself. I blame it on my naturally rebellious nature. Hee, hee.

I LOVE the feeling of tackling what looks like an impossible project and then that small private joy of feeling rather happy with oneself! In between The Elle Yarns CAL I have decided to take on Jane Crowfoot's "Frida's Flowers" afghan. Not my usual choice of colours but I am the first to encourage anyone to spread their wings.

Also, Polly Plum. Omgosh, her designs almost blow my mind! Then while I was perusing her website, feeling all sad that I could not afford any of her patterns ( rand -dollar-pound-euro exchange rate is ridiculous atm ) I happened upon her one free video tutorial HERE. I dropped everything else to do this. Oh, I was pleased with myself! Lol!

Somewhere a little voice in the far corner of my mind keeps reminding me ( read, nagging ) that I have several projects I need to finish. Yes, I will get around to those. When the Internet ( damn you, Pinterest ) dies and goes to cyber-heaven!

Well, I must be getting along. Those pesky voices are at it again.

Thank you for popping in for a visit.
Wherever you are in the world,stay safe and happy hooking!
Love, always.
xxx Jen xxx

 Ps. Please feel free to use the pretty desktop calendars, gratis, from Gennine's Art and Craft Berry Bush