Monday, 15 June 2015

More lovely Winter things.

The dogs were very surprised a few days ago when I loaded them all up in the car and off we went on an adventure. I hardly ever take them walking by myself. There have been a few cases of muggings in my favourite walkabout park not far from where we live and that's made me a little nervous. So it's been awhile. Anyhow, I decided to not live life with sweaty palms, and off we went! Imagine my surprise when I found myself not at all alone on this lovely walk. There were joggers, and cyclists, and Mums with prams and Dads with toddlers and lonesome walking persons and chatty groups of walking persons...and you know what?

I decided there and then to take my own imagination with a liberal pinch of salt. I strolled, and stopped often to look at everything, savouring the sweet smelling air that always exudes from leafy, watery spaces regardless of how close they may be to busy roads and highways. And every lovely thing caught my eye! Berries and leaves, vines and pine needles, butterflies and squirrels ( Roxy was in her element ).

Sadly, the river that runs through all of this was down to almost a trickle seeing as our winter rains, so far, have barely fallen. I'm expecting this will happen all at once, in my birthday month, August, usually on my birthday. Without fail, as far back as I can remember it has stormed, howled, sleeted, hailed, or snowed on this day. This explain so much. ;) I must take photos of this beautiful tranquil piece of earth the next time we go. I'm eternally grateful for this oasis of semi-wild nature slap bang in the middle of suburbia. But for now... just look at these jewels of Nature! I'm really very easy to please. Luckily my trusty little point and click camera is easy to hide in the palm of my hand, just in case a Lurgie pops out from behind a bush and tries to mug me! The dogs would be pleased! I hope you'll find little things of beauty around you, every day...keeping you connected to our true home, Earth. xxxxxxx