Wednesday, 17 June 2015

Have crochet, will make things!

I bought a few balls of bamboo cotton yarn just ages ago...when the children and I were "still together". In the afternoons, that space of an hour or so between lunch, extra-mural activities, homework and prepping for dinner, I could be found sat in front of the Telly ( something I no longer watch ), tuned into Oprah ( someone I no longer watch ), knitting cellphone cosies for my kids and their friends. The bamboo yarn is perfect with this. Since those days the yarns have been stored away (along with the knitting needles). Really, these yarns are just too expensive to use on larger items. I treat them like the precious treasure they are. I found the loveliest container at a thrifty market a few months ago, and my small stash of bamboo yarn fits perfectly. Do you know, I have never seen a container like this before? They're probably made in China and everyone has one. But not me. I was very taken with it. :-)

You're probably wondering where I'm going with this so I'll get to the point. I've been crocheting wash cloths. Not kitchen scrubs. Oh no...not with this lovely stuff. I wonder if other women find this a thing... but facecloths, those terry ones, are just too big, and heavy? Ok, so I'm kind of on the little side, and to boot, have tiny handsies...I need tiny things!! :-) That's probably why crochet works for little hook. Knitting needles are so cumbersome! I'm being silly of course! Also, bamboo yarn is lovely, so soft and yet strong too. The colours really hold true. I made a few washcloths some years ago, and the colours haven't faded at all!

 Anyhow, when I first learned to crochet I used to meet up with a friend at a local anarchist coffee shop. That's where I first learned that crochet is in fact a post-apocalyptic life skill! Who knew? And when I thought about it a bit more, it made absolute sense...afterall, back in the day, right up to the present, women around the world have had to learn sewing, darning, knitting, crochet and quilting as skill sets, to provide blankets, clothing and oftentimes hard cash, for their families. Gifts too!

I think most people love handmade gifts and these make the sweetest little prezzies teamed up with a handmade soap, or an essential oil or two. Also, you don't need to be a crochet wiz either! Look at me again...getting completely sidetracked!

 So I crocheted me some lovely little wash cloths, using my precious bamboo cotton yarn. The end!
 Ps: it's a simple Granny Square, with some double crochet here and there. No hard and fast rules. :-)
 I just love them. xxxxxx

Monday, 15 June 2015

More lovely Winter things.

The dogs were very surprised a few days ago when I loaded them all up in the car and off we went on an adventure. I hardly ever take them walking by myself. There have been a few cases of muggings in my favourite walkabout park not far from where we live and that's made me a little nervous. So it's been awhile. Anyhow, I decided to not live life with sweaty palms, and off we went! Imagine my surprise when I found myself not at all alone on this lovely walk. There were joggers, and cyclists, and Mums with prams and Dads with toddlers and lonesome walking persons and chatty groups of walking persons...and you know what?

I decided there and then to take my own imagination with a liberal pinch of salt. I strolled, and stopped often to look at everything, savouring the sweet smelling air that always exudes from leafy, watery spaces regardless of how close they may be to busy roads and highways. And every lovely thing caught my eye! Berries and leaves, vines and pine needles, butterflies and squirrels ( Roxy was in her element ).

Sadly, the river that runs through all of this was down to almost a trickle seeing as our winter rains, so far, have barely fallen. I'm expecting this will happen all at once, in my birthday month, August, usually on my birthday. Without fail, as far back as I can remember it has stormed, howled, sleeted, hailed, or snowed on this day. This explain so much. ;) I must take photos of this beautiful tranquil piece of earth the next time we go. I'm eternally grateful for this oasis of semi-wild nature slap bang in the middle of suburbia. But for now... just look at these jewels of Nature! I'm really very easy to please. Luckily my trusty little point and click camera is easy to hide in the palm of my hand, just in case a Lurgie pops out from behind a bush and tries to mug me! The dogs would be pleased! I hope you'll find little things of beauty around you, every day...keeping you connected to our true home, Earth. xxxxxxx

Sunday, 14 June 2015

Little Birdies.

These little birdies were so easy to make that I actually could not stop!! They just kept flying off the hook. I used the inner fluff of an old cushion and because you don't need much, I still have stacks left over for stuffing other little goodies. Also, it was fun and satisfying to play around with colour combinations.

 That's my thing, really, colour, colour, colour! I'm inclined to seek out patterns that are relatively simple so that I can play with combining different colours, contrasting colour, complimenting colours...well you get it! I'm mad about colour! :-) The original pattern is of course from Attic24. I'm a big fan of Lucy's tutorials. She loves colour too, and her patterns are easy enough for beginners to follow. I've shared her pattern. You'll find it to your left under Tutorials I Heart.

These little birdies made sweet Xmas tree hangings and gifts over the festive season ( which seems like only yesterday ). But the hedges in our little cul-de sac are in full winter bloom, honeysuckle, hawthorn, plumbago... and this means the loveliest of birds are flitting about among them, mostly jewel-coloured Sunbirds. Their flashy colours are so appealing. You can see where I'm going with this? :-)

I had an idea to crochet Birds endemic to the Cape of Storms but seeing as I have a WIP, as well as at least five other must-do projects waiting to come into being, I guess this will have to just patiently wait it's turn. My fingers are itching though. :-) Hope wherever you are in the world that you're finding the time to make something beautiful, no matter how small. xxxxxxx

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Happy Winter Things.

The problem with not Blogging every few days, or at least once a week is that everything sort of piles up...much like my kitchen drawers, leaving me in a semi-paralysed state of " ok, now where do I start!". The weather was monumentally wet last week. It rained buckets for three days, non-stop! Mind you no one was complaining. We sincerely needed a good soak.

The Cape of Storms comes alive, more than usual, in the Winter months. So while leaves turn and drop from some trees, others burst into leaf! Shrubs and creepers send forth cascades of blooms.The grass grows back, the air is filled with birdsong while butterflies waft between the blossoms. And finally, the relentless Summer winds clear off to annoy someone else, somewhere else. :-) The rains arrived much later than usual. The mountains and open fields looked frighteningly parched and frazzled! "The Rains" officially herald in Winter. Before then it's "just a bit chilly". :D

Temperatures have plummeted and there is snow on the peaks. Yum! I am perfectly at home in the colder seasons. So you'll not hear a shred of complaining from me.

Sadly, my usual crochet go-to cafe has turned out to be a bit of a disappointment so lately I've been crocheting all on my lonesome. Mostly in the evenings, at home, while watching a movie. For some reason this makes me sad!! I can't explain it but I like to sit in a cafe with a lovely cup of coffee nearby and listen to the chatter and bustle all around me. As long as nobody bothers me ( I'm counting stitches, dammit! ) then I'm as happy as a piggy in a warm mud bath. I think it's something to do with being an INFJ type personality. The Introvert who behaves like an Extrovert? You might find it interesting to test yourself here? :-) I do get carried away! But look, this is what I actually wanted to share!

These gorgeous Poinsettia blooms. Aren't they just lovely! They're also known as Christmas Flowers but of course we're in the southern hemisphere so here they bloom in mid-winter. They look absolutely magnificent on a misty, rainy day, reminding me for some reason, of small colourful umbrellas!

I know it's obvious to say every season brings with it it's own special gifts but for me Winter just fills my gift basket to brimming! We've had lovely walks on the beaches around here, all wrapped up, Dogs in tow, tummies full of hot coffee and delicious breakfast. There are several vegetarian restaurants around our neck of the woods, and most of the others also offer tasty nutritious veggie options but we almost always end up at Stoked Backpackers .

It's usually dead quiet on a Sunday morning. They have a small but fresh and delicious all vegetarian Menu and really... the BEST coffee in town! Add to this super friendly staff who also play the best music...from 80's medleys to Dolly Parton!Believe me , when it's icy outside, warm and cosy inside, this is happy, foot-tapping, good mood music! Everyone's eventually singing or at least humming along. :-)

Of course, in between all this walking, breakfast eating, coffee drinking and admiring the freely abundant natural beauty... there has been major headway made on the latest Work In Progress. My Strawberries and Cream with Chocolate Sauce Granny Hexagon Blanket.

 I should have my blankie done just before Summer kicks in. But hopefully not! Hope wherever you are you're making the most of living on this amazing planet. Happy week to you all. xxx